Food systems offer ample opportunities to help make healthy diets available, affordable and appealing. Policymakers need an answer to the question: What do I need to change about our food system to improve diets and nutrition? This webinar will introduce you to the list of 42 actions needed to transform our food systems towards healthier diets for all.
This Webinar, hosted by the SDG2 Advocacy Hub in collaboration with CGIAR, will feature a conversation about the role of protein in our food system tied to the upcoming UN Food Systems Summit.
Initiated by a purpose-driven business collective, the SDG Tent has been an impartial and open space where ideas, thought leadership and unhindered dialogue flourishes at the World Economic Forum’s Annual Meeting in Davos. The goal of the SDG Tent is to progress the global debate around the role of business and its capacity to deliver sustainable and inclusive development.
The Governments of Canada and Bangladesh, in partnership with the Government of Japan and with support from the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, cordially invite you to the launch of a Nutrition for Growth (N4G) Year of Action. The event will showcase new policy and financing commitments to nutrition from a range of stakeholders and will formally launch a Nutrition For Growth Year of Action, that includes milestone events leading up to the Summit in Tokyo in late December 2021.
COVID-19 is disrupting humanitarian aid and development cooperation projects globally. Furthermore, the pandemic has placed unprecedented pressure on food supply chains, undermining access to food for many.
The COVID-19 pandemic has affected our food systems in a negative way. In fact, food security and nutrition have become among the most affected areas because of this pandemic, given the lockdown and restrictions measures that countries have adopted to contain the virus.
The 4th International Conference on Global Food Security addresses the topic of food security at all spatial levels from local to global, and from an interdisciplinary and systemic food systems perspective. The conference addresses the triple burden of malnutrition: hunger, micronutrient deficiencies and obesity.
The Side Sessions will be organized as "deep dive" dialogues, consultations, webinars, etc. on specific topics within and across the five UN Food Systems Summit action tracks.
The purpose of this 3rd global conference is to provide substantial input to the UN Food Systems Summit that is tentatively scheduled for the third quarter of 2021, building on the achievements of the SFS Programme’s membership during the first five years of implementation.
The Sahel Consulting Agriculture and Nutrition Ltd. and Sahel Capital Agribusiness Managers will hold a 10th-anniversary virtual conference, where leaders from across the globe who are experts in the agriculture and food landscape will lead the discussion on topics including investment and data analytics in agriculture while discussing the potential of the private sector to feed Africa and the World.