Children and Young People

GAIN works to shape food systems that better protect and cater to the needs of children and young people as they evolve and grow by innovating and scaling a range of age specific solutions.

GAIN emphasises involving various stakeholders, including children, young people and their communities, in decision-making processes throughout the project cycle, creating solutions that are more sustainable, relevant, and effective for their specific needs.

GAIN began working on adolescent nutrition in 2017 and has expanded its work to take a broader food systems approach. Our programming is adapted according to children and young people’s ages and Interests, and interaction with the food system and is themed around three areas:



GAIN uses activity-based nutrition and food education to support families with infants and young children and adolescents (age 10-19 years) to learn more about food and make healthier food choices.


GAIN's Youth Leadership Programme strives to create a common space for young people (aged 18-24) to learn, collaborate and act to create healthier, just, and more sustainable nutritious food systems through youth-led campaigns.

Entrepreneurs and Workers

GAIN supports SMEs to increase their capacity to safely produce and sell nutritious foods for children, and young people to develop entrepreneurship and employment skills.

  • Global
  • Bangladesh
  • Indonesia
  • Mozambique
  • Pakistan
  • Tanzania

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