EAT@Home - Side Sessions

EAT@Home - Side Sessions

This list of events has been first featured at EAT@Home.

The Side Sessions will be organized as "deep dive" dialogues, consultations, webinars, etc. on specific topics within and across the five UN Food Systems Summit action tracks.

Scaling up healthy and sustainable diets: WBCSD’s Food & Agriculture Roadmap 

Wednesday December 2 -16:00 -17:30 CET

WBCSD’s project FReSH (Food Reform for Sustainability and Health) will host a session to discuss the key findings of the newly published Sustainable Diets chapter of the Food and Agriculture Roadmap, which identifies transformational targets, action areas and business solutions to deliver healthy and sustainable diets to all, within planetary boundaries.

To register for this session, click here.

Children Eating Well in Cities (by invitation only)

Thursday, December 3 - 14:00 -16:30 CET

This side session will bring together actors from the nutrition, environmental sustainability, and urban development communities to kickstart collaboration around research, advocacy, and city-level programs.

Supporting the long-term transformation towards sustainable food and land-use systems. How integrated, national pathways can help achieve global food, climate, and biodiversity goals -examples from the FABLE Consortium country teams

Friday December 4 -14:00-15:30 CET  

The Food, Agriculture, Biodiversity, Land-Use, and Energy (FABLE) Consortium presents its 2020 report with national pathways towards sustainable land-use and food systems for 20 countries, showing that integrated strategies across food production, biodiversity, climate, and diets can meet the objectives of the Paris Agreement and the Sustainable Development Goals.

To register for this event, click here.

Flavour -The essence of change? Towards a sustainable food culture 

Thursday December 10 -14:00 -15:00 CET

What we put on our plate today, will make a difference tomorrow. How do we make it easier to make sustainable choices? Is taste the key?

To register for this event, click here

How & What we Eat@Home: Policy Asks for Changing & Re-arranging our Consumption Patterns 

Thursday December 10 -15:30 -17:00 CET   

When seeking enabling solutions that foster the transition to healthy and sustainable consumption patterns, what we eat is just as important as how that food is produced, traded, and eaten. Furthermore, of even greater importance is identifying which policies must be implemented in order to facilitate systemic transformation towards inclusive, resilient, and sustainable agri-food systems.

To register for this event, click here

How to Love Food and Save Nature: Sparking a new era for nature-positive food and farming

Thursday December 11 -15:00 -16:30 CET 

Compassion in World Farming and the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) invite you to join this special session. It has never been more urgent to transform the food system and embrace nature-positive high welfare farming. We must move towards healthier diets that rebalance animal protein in supply chains and help to regenerate and restore biodiversity.

Link to the event will be available later.

Project DISRUPT: Leapfrogging business-as-usual towards equitable, healthy diets on a healthy planet by 2030

Thursday December 15 -15:30 -17:00 CET  

There is an urgent need to engage innovations to deliver healthy diets on a healthy planet in an equitable way. Project DISRUPT focused on 3 real-world settings to identify, analyze and prioritize innovations across the food system with high game-changing potential for positive impact by 2030.

To register for this event, please click here

Are companies on track for food systems transformation? 

Wednesday December 16 -14:00 -15:00 CET

Food systems transformation requires large-scale action led by those who drive environmental, health and social impact. The World Benchmarking Alliance has assessed the commitments of the 350 most influential food and agriculture companies.

To register for this event, please click here

COVID-19: Why a nature positive food system is the most effective way to build back better  

Wednesday December 16 -16:00 -17:30 CET

There is now ample evidence that nature plays a key role in COVID-19 pandemic's emergence and recovery. 

To register for this event, please click here
