The Global Alliance for Improved Nutrition (GAIN) is pleased to be able to offer a new, first-of-its-kind executive short course, "Together for nutrition", which focuses on public-private engagement to improve the consumption of nutritious food.
The Global Alliance for Improved Nutrition (GAIN) and the Consumer Goods for Forum (CGF) are co-hosting a technical workshop to bring together partners from the public and private sectors to discuss best practices, challenges and opportunities in improving employee nutrition across supply chains.
To celebrate 10 years of experience and expertise-building in supporting cities thrive in face of challenges, this anniversary edition will present a 360° view on urban resilience.
Join panellists from DSM, GAIN, The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation and Capital 4 Development in this discussion on how the private sector can contribute to reducing malnutrition and why they should do it.
The 25-26 June Conference in The Hague will help shape private sector engagement in the Japan 2020 Summit. This event is a key first step for consulting with and including the perspective of business into the Japan 2020 Summit.
The 4th International Conference on Global Food Security addresses the topic of food security at all spatial levels from local to global, and from an interdisciplinary and systemic food systems perspective.
EAT Stockholm Food Forum is a carefully curated event, open to up to 1000 delegates by invitation only. This results in a gathering of top global thought leaders from science, politics, business, civil society and beyond.
The CSIS Global Food Security Project invites you to join a discussion with a world-renowned expert and advocate on the opportunity for U.S. foreign policy and business to improve global nutrition.
This workshop at the EAT Stockholm Food Forum 2019 marks an important milestone in the roadmap towards reframing the dialogue around nutrition and raising the profile of nutrition as an investment theme.
At Nutrition 2019, 3600 of the top scientific researchers, practitioners, global and public health professionals, policymakers and advocacy leaders, industry, media and other related professionals will gather to advance nutrition science and its practical application.