This forum report was generated from the 5th GAIN Business Alliance Forum held in Vienna in 2011. The Forum brought together a wide range of expertise and knowledge on nutrition and businesses, to learn and engage on innovative solutions and private sector approaches for delivering more affordable nutritious products in developing countries.
This white paper makes the business case for investing in nutrition. It highlights three key points for investing in nutrition in agricultural supply chains: 1) the case for productivity, 2) the case for a secured healthy future workforce and 3) the case for brand integrity and ethical considerations.
A new call for action has been launched for national governments, donors, science and industry to join forces together to deliver cost-effective solutions to tackle malnutrition. The statement was coordinated through an Interagency Steering Committee which includes GAIN, UNICEF, World Bank, USAID among others.
This report summarises the current technical information about vitamin and mineral deficiencies and identifies gaps in data and programmes. In doing so, it identifies some elements of a globalised approach for the micronutrient sector.
This is a report of a stakeholder survey that was conducted to seek views on a proposed ten year plan to combat vitamin and mineral deficiencies. Interviews were conducted early in 2006 with 155 stakeholders from developing and developed countries, intergovernmental organisations, business and industry, nongovernmental organisations, university researchers, donors and financial institutions.
This report commissioned by the European Commission provides a global mapping of food fortification that is intended to serve as reference documentation. The aim of the mapping is to advance understanding on the main features of food fortification including key strategic concerns, operational challenges, compliance issues, coverage, consumption trends, as well as impact on the reduction of micronutrient deficiencies.