The Seeds of Prosperity programme works through commodity supply chains to improve workers’ diets and hygiene practices. The programme reached 300,000 people through operations in tea supply chains in Kenya, Tanzania and in Tamil Nadu and Assam states in India. It aimed to increase the number of food groups that supply chain workers consumed daily, improve their intake of essential vitamins and minerals, and improve their hygiene practices. The programme measured its impact through measuring the number of food groups included in women’s diets, with the assumption that other household members consume at least the same number of food groups as women.
This brief present results and next steps from programme evaluations in three sites across India and Kenya. Evaluations found improvements to dietary diversity, handwashing practices, and perceptions of trust for the programme among target groups. Further efforts are needed to improve dietary diversity and to foster sustainable behavioural change. Future programmes aim to draw upon these findings and lessons learned to design the next generation of workplace nutrition programmes