This EatSafe report includes results from three studies conducted in three traditional markets from September 2020 to August 2021 in a city of North-Western, Nigeria, including: Field data collection, including a reconnaissance study, a food sampling and analysis campaign, and survey of 400 consumers to understand handling and preparation practices; microbial (Salmonella) risk assessment (RA), to assess the relative exposure and risk of illness from consuming home-prepared beef, fish, tomatoes, green leafy vegetables, and seven select RTE foods; and a chemical (aflatoxin) RA, to assess the relative exposure and risk of illness from consuming commodities that are susceptible to aflatoxin contamination, including maize, rice, cowpeas, and soybeans.
The aflatoxin RA section of this report was adapted into a peer reviewed paper, published in Frontiers in Sustainable Food Systems. |
These publications built upon prior EatSafe work that reviewed existing evidence on hazard occurrence in foods and beverages consumed in Nigeria. |