"After losing my husband, and with a family to look after, I had to wipe my tears and battle to provide for my family. It was from there that I realised that I needed to be the breadwinner of the family, and I became a vendor at the Munhava Market in Beira city". Joana Celestina, a female vendor at the central market in Mozambique.
At the national level, Mozambique joins over 125 countries that have embarked on coordinating efforts for inclusive, multistakeholder Food Systems Summit Dialogues to engage around the vision of the "people’s summit".
According to the Cost of Hunger in Africa (2017), Mozambique loses approximately 10.9% of its annual GDP (1.6 billion Dollars) due to chronic malnutrition. It is therefore urgent that all sectors converge and identify solutions to mitigate the negative impacts of malnutrition.
Osgood-Zimmerman and colleagues just published an article in Nature that, for the first time, provides high-resolution maps of child growth failure (stunting, wasting, and underweight) across Africa. They mapped data from over 1 million children from 51 countries at a 5×5 km resolution as well as at the largest administrative subdivision from 2000 to 2015.