Today GAIN presents its statement on food safety to the 75th World Health Assembly taking place in Geneva.
GAIN aims to make nutritious safe foods more desirable, available, and affordable for all. The new WHO global strategy for food safety launched today is an important milestone in linking the objectives of food safety, nutrition, and smart development, for if food isn’t safe, it isn’t food.
GAIN aims to support efforts to assist consumers in the countries most impacted by unsafe food, and consumers that source their foods from the informal sector and traditional markets. Each year, 1 in 3 people worldwide suffer from some type of malnutrition, and 1 in 10 people become ill from foodborne disease. Many food safety risks are linked to the most nutrient-dense foods, foods essential for consumers suffering from inadequate access to nutritious foods. Food safety contributes to poor nutrition and can have multi-generational impacts.
For example, stunting has a complex network of determinants, including exposure to foodborne hazards. EatSafe: Evidence and Action Towards Safe, Nutritious Food, is a USAID Feed the Future activity being implemented by GAIN. This activity focuses on consumer demand for safe food in traditional markets where millions of people globally access nutritious food every day.
GAIN is committed to working with governments including through the Codex Alimentarius, and other stakeholders, to develop food safety standards and to make sure that the WHO Global strategy is adopted and national pathways implemented.
Watch our full statement below in the video link.