Sustainable Retail Summit

Sustainable Retail Summit

Our industry is facing a clear call to action. People are demanding sustainable products and want to live healthier lives, and they expect our industry to deliver. At the same time, the UN Sustainable Development Goals demand co-ordinated industry action. With 24-hour news, social media and the prevalence of misinformation, it’s easy to get lost in the minefield of what’s right and what’s wrong.

This year’s Sustainable Retail Summit (SRS) cuts through the noise and showcases real-life, tangible examples that help paint an accurate picture of today’s leading industry challenges and how to overcome them. SRS covers the entire sustainability eco-system. While topics like plastic and food waste are essential areas for action, so too are those related to people and our work to inspire healthier communities and eradicate forced labour.

Lawrence Haddad, GAIN's Executive Director, will take part in the "Inspiring healthier lives - Overcoming challenges to drive change" panel discussion. 

In every country or region of the world today, health related factors are in the top 10 risks for the burden of disease and the industry plays an integral role in promoting good health and well-being and building effective partnerships. People want to live healthier lives and expect our industry to play a role to help them meet their health and wellbeing needs.

During this discussion, expert speakers will look at the challenges currently being faced and ask if enough is being done, where things can improve and what more could be achieved through greater collaboration.