GAIN 15th Anniversary: Working to make healthy & sustainable diets a reality for all

GAIN 15th Anniversary: Working to make healthy & sustainable diets a reality for all

Today at least one in three people on the planet are consuming nutritionally poor diets. Poor diet is a driver of malnutrition in all its forms: from undernutrition and micronutrient deficiencies to overweight and obesity. Six out of the top 11 risk factors in the global burden of disease are related to poor diet.

Working with partners, the Global Alliance for Improved Nutrition (GAIN) wants to make healthier food choices more affordable, more accessible, and more desirable.

To celebrate our 15th Anniversary, we are organizing a panel discussion on the different interventions that have proved to be effective in reaching vulnerable people with nutritious foods and on the challenges we face in the next fifteen years – to make healthy and sustainable diets a reality for all.

This event is the culmination of a series of roundtable discussions that we are holding in all our offices across the world.

We hope to see you there!

Light refreshments and drinks will be served prior to the event (starting at 18:00).