How can we safeguard healthy diets whilst respecting planetary boundaries? The global agri-food systems are facing major challenges: They need to produce more and better food, be more effective and efficient, and produce more sustainably and, first and foremost, in a more climate-resilient manner.
The expert panel sheds light on the requirements for agri-food systems in order to be able to achieve crisis-proof nutrition and the SDG1 and 2. It sets out the diverse and conflicting aspects ranging from the need for food security to the importance of local engagement by local and global private sector actors and the producers themselves in order to advance the sustainable transformation of agri-food systems.
The expert panel addresses issues such as: What are the levers for transformation? What role do businesses and social entrepreneurs play in the transformation of food systems? What are the good practices from the private sector that arise from sustainable and climate-resilient approaches that are scalable and sustainable and can be locally funded and implemented? What institutional reforms are required to drive transformation, e.g. by changes in the policy environment for investment or by improving the funding opportunities for businesses and start-ups?