On Wednesday 28 July, 09:00-10:30 CEST the informal Urban Food Systems Working Group is organising the United Nations Food Systems pre-summit session "Cities and Local Food Systems". GAIN’s Urban programme and FAO are co-leads of the organising working group, which involves several city networks, UN agencies and other civil society organisations and academia.
Cities are key nodes of action in efforts to transform food systems and advance healthy diets for all; and are widely recognised as fundamental to the success of the SDGs in this "Decade of Action". The pre-summit will bring together the efforts and contributions of the engagement process happened over the past months, including cities' inputs emerged from the consultation (28-29th of April), the independent dialogues (April-May) and the global dialogue (28th of June).
The "Cities and Local Food Systems" session will engage on actions around social protection and resilience, food waste, school meals, the food environment, governance and working in coalitions. During the session, city mayors and officials as well as urban food systems experts and partners will present cities' success stories and challenges into delivering food actions as well as start paving the way for follow up activities within this same process (UNFSS coalition building). More details on the event speakers are available in the programme, where you will see the most updated version of the session (page 30-31).