GAIN Netherlands maintains relationships with all relevant Dutch key stakeholders from private sector, civil society, government and academia. It brings together new partners with a shared interest, plays a brokering role between different organisations, and identifies new opportunities for collaboration.
The Netherlands are an important country for GAIN for three reasons:
- Food and nutrition security are high on the agenda of the Dutch government, which contributes significantly to our work, both as partner and donor.
- Several global companies that are frontrunners on fruits and vegetables, food technology, innovative financing or sustainability have Dutch roots.
- The Netherlands have a lot of experience with multi-stakeholder partnerships and collaborative action (the so-called "Dutch Diamond").
The largest public-private partnership that GAIN Netherlands is currently leading is the Amsterdam Initiative against Malnutrition (AIM).
GAIN Netherlands also plays an important role in discussing and shaping the Dutch policy nutrition landscape, for example by hosting the Netherlands Working Group on International Nutrition (NWGN), a platform of Dutch nutrition experts whose aim is to ensure that Dutch stakeholders include nutrition in their policies and programmes targeting the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). This is done through knowledge and information exchange, strengthened nutrition-related efforts, formulation and publication of joint views and positions, and by technical support to non-members.
GAIN Netherlands also focuses on young professionals. In order to involve the new generation in our mission to end malnutrition and, at the same time, benefit from their knowledge and innovative thinking, every year we organise a "Nutrition Student Challenge".
Besides these Dutch engagement activities, the staff in The Netherlands also supports global programmes, such as Workforce Nutrition and Urban Governance for Nutrition