Food Safety: The Biggest Development Challenge You’ve Never Heard Of

Food Safety: The Biggest Development Challenge You’ve Never Heard Of

Delia Grace Randolph, the world’s leading researcher on food safety in traditional markets makes a case for investment in food safety. Impacting billions of people directly and indirectly every year, foodborne disease (FBD) is a low-hanging fruit in the development agenda to improve the quality of life in LMICs. Feed The Future’s EatSafe: Evidence and Action Towards Safe, Nutritious Food (EatSafe), highlights how the problem is immense, tractable, and has been neglected for decades by governments and international donors. Minimizing FBD in traditional markets not only prevents people from getting sick, but it helps seize the full potential of investments in nutrition, health, education, and financial independence.

Watch the virtual film screening here or below of EatSafe’s latest film, Food Safety: The Biggest Development Challenge You’ve Never Heard Of. Moderated by USAID’s Dr. Nika Larian, the screening was followed by a fireside chat, featuring ILRI’s Dr. Delia Grace and GAIN’s Dr. Augustine Okoruwa. Discussion focused on how the film’s narrative is exemplified locally and nationally in development efforts and offered contextualized insights on ways to improve food safety in this unique space.